“Lorain County Community Garden is dedicated to the People of Lorain County. Its mission is to provide those in need with a renewable source of produce while engaging its community members”
Urban gardening is an incredible way to grow food for the needy and add a “touch of green” to communities overwhelmed by the concrete jungle. Such was the inspiration for this community garden sponsored by Church on the North Coast in Lorain, Ohio. In order to achieve the goals desired a fair amount of money needed to be raised. The idea itself was a win-win and practically sold itself, but to get people fully on board at the very start it proved helpful to illustrate the proposed project. To make it happen I created these watercolor concept images at the request of the Garden Director. He had a list of items and a pretty solid idea about the design which was essential in creating a scale rendition of the layout.
The project turned out to be a great success. Just a few months after the director’s initial pitch, ground was broken and the necessary elements came into place. Currently the Community Garden is a work in progress that is expanding each year. We haven’t quite got to the playground yet, but food production has been quite significant even in its very first year.
If you happen to find the project interesting and believe in its mission, consider donating to the project. Any support is greatly appreciated and helps make the goal of provideing free vegtables to the community a reality.