This infographic is a personal project of mine. I happen to be a very big Bible reader; everything from spiritual insight to historical narrative interest me to a great extent. There is so much information in the Bible and a great deal of it is perfect subject matter for graphical illumination. First to receive the infographic treatment (hopefully more to come) is the Biblical prophets. There are many individuals in the Bible described as prophets, but the focus here is on the prophets identified as authors for their respective books and collectively make up the section of the Christian Bible known as the Major and Minor Prophets. There are 16 all together forming a fascinating group, each with their own significance. However keeping them all straight is a difficult task! Hopefully this chart will help you figure out who’s who and provide some insight into the life of the Biblical prophet.
Note: While great pains were taken to gather material from various academic sources in order to adequately cross reference and provide the most reliable information and statistics, all historical study is at least partially subjective. Thus, facts such as dates and places are often educated estimates. Exact answers to these subjects are open to debate among archaeologists and theologians. Subjects relating to literary theme are much easier to determine (one simply needs to read and observe the contents of a book) and therefore information given on these subjects is more likely to be accurate.